
Anime or animation in Japan

Omar Maksat ( Journalist ) March 30, 2020

Despite the fact that anime is increasingly finding its fans, many still do not know what it is. So, the term anime came from the English. animation - animation (animation). However, anime is an animation made specifically in Japan. Not just painted (because in the era of rampant globalization and integration, you can draw anything, anywhere), but it is produced or, more simply, invented.

The concept of "manga" is closely related to the concept of anime. If on the fingers, then these are comics, and in Japan they are not the prerogative of children exclusively.Manga in the Land of the Rising Sun is read by everyone, from small to large and on different topics. If I may say so, then in many anime “legs grow” precisely from manga, that is, anime is a film adaptation of manga.And yet, anime is far from an adaptation of manga, although until the 1970s, the Japanese called what we now consider "anime" as "manga-eiga," that is, "movie comics." The first cartoons began to appear in the Land of the Rising Sun in 1917, the twentieth century, and, of course, they were far from their original descendants.

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Osamu Tezuka , Walt Disney Japanese animation could not do without. He proposed not to compete with American full-length cartoons, but to focus on TV series targeted specifically at the Japanese. This focus on their own specific culture explains one of the most common definitions of anime - animation made in Japan and aimed at a Japanese audience

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