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Batman 'The Dark Knight'

Kopenova Madina april 2, 2024

The dark knight, guardian of the Gotham, Son of a Gotham, Millionaire Bruce Wayne or just Batman is a legendary fictional superhero by comicbook DC. He is definitely the most famous and the best superhero ever. Even if he doesn't have any super powers he could overcome any other heroes from comics. His power is his fabulous intelligence and his multi-million dollars, he is actually a genius. Bruce Wayne is a son of a popular businessman Thomas Wayne who was killed with his wife in front of his son. After a murder of his parents Bruce started to live with his servant Alfred Pennyworth, whom he calls a friend. From the early childhood he starts to train the greatest things, as physically so emotionally. He started to prepare for protection of his city from criminals and psychopaths. Unlike the criminals he confronts, Batman never kills anyone and never takes revenge on anyone.

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Постоянство памяти

Nurayia Sembekova May 2, 2020

Этот мир прекрасен и ужасен одновременно и как неудивительно люди хотят передать красу вселенной и холстом, и словом.

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Amina Kopenova April 22, 2020

Nickelodeon (often shortened to Nick) is an American pay television channel which was launched on December 1, 1977, as the first cable channel for children. It is owned by ViacomCBS through its domestic networks division and is based in New York City. The network's programming is primarily aimed at children and adolescents aged 2–17, while some of its program blocks target a broader family audience.

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Почему железная дорога так важна в Казахстане?

Danyiar Kabylbek April 22, 2020

Железнодорожные перевозки являются одними из самых дешевых после морских перевозок, но несмотря на это, являются одними из самых затратных секторов в Казахстане. Так почему же так выходит? Ведь в Европе эта же отрасль крайне прибыльная. Да что там, весь США когда-то стоял на них. Так что же случилось у нас?

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Dünyadaki en pahalı ilacın sırrı nedir?

Anuar kemelbekov April 18, 2020

Zolgensma adı verilen bu ilaç, omurga kas atrofisi olan iki yaşın altındaki çocuklar için dünyadaki ilk gen terapisidir. Regülatör bir açıklamada, ilacın hastalığa neden olan hasarlı SMN1 genini düzelttiğini ve etkileyici sonuçlar gösterdiğini söyledi.

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«Музарт» тобы

Anuar April 11, 2020

Елдің қошеметіне бөленіп, халықтың қалаулысы болып жүрген «Музарт» тобына биыл 19 жыл. Қазіргі таңда «Музарт» тобының мүшелері ел ағасы болып, еліміздің құрметті азаматтарына айналды.

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Post Malone.

Madina April 10, 2020

Austin Richard Post, more known as Post Malone or Posty is famous rapper and singer from US. The main cause of his glow up is his vocal abilities. He admitted that he used a lot autotune, however it does not make any sense for his fans. For last decade, in 15th he boomed as high as possible. 'White Inverson' and 'Rockstar' were that songs that blew him up so far. That songs had almost more than 700 million views on YouTube. The song that made him a GOAT is as song about people that underestimated him, it's called 'Congratulations'. It has over a billion views on YouTube and was a number one song at that days.

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Қазақ тарихындағы нәзік жандылар

Amina April 8, 2020

Мен қазақ қыздарына қайран қалам! Расында, қапысыз қалай айтқан, қайран бабам?! Қазақ аруы сұлулық пен нәзіктіктің символы бола білді. Қиын-қыстау замандарда атқа қонып, елін де қорғады. Қазақ қазақ болып іргесін бекіткелі, тарихымызда еліміз үшін алпауыт еңбек сіңірген әйелдер аз болған жоқ.

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Жұқпалы аурудан сақтану

Daniyar Kabylbek April 5, 2020

Қазіргі кезде әлемді дүрліктіріп, барлығын үйден шығармай, карантинге жабуға мәжбүрлеген «тәж вирусы» дерті жұқпалы ауру туралы ойлануға мәжбүрледі. Адамзатты жаппай дертке шалдықтырып, өміріне қауіп төндіретін осындай аурулар қалай тарайды?

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Коронавирус дүниежүзілік экономикалық дағдарыс алып келе ме?

Нура April 5, 2020

Коронавирус әлем экономикасына дағдарыс қаупін елестетуде. Кейбір сарапшылар бұны 2008-2009 жылдардағы дағдарыстан да бірнеше есе ауыр болады деп болжап отыр. Соңғы жылдары әлем экономикасының көшбасшыларының басына қара бұлт үйірілгені бар – брексит, сауда соғысы, енді міне, коронавирус.

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DONI April 5, 2020

Nike company known by their quality shoes; supplying equipment and gear for many professional and collegiate athletic teams; and making a ton of money. But where the company truly excels is its marketing? Nobody does branding quite like Nike. I would be shocked if there is a single person reading this article who hasn’t heard of Nike; in fact, most of you probably own at least one Nike product.

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Из грязи в князи: история экономического чуда Германии

Anuar April 5, 2020

После того как в 1945 г. Германия объявила о своей капитуляции страна оказалась на грани развала. Правление Гитлера оставило за собой лишь одни обломки в городах и нестабильную экономику в стране.

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Мария Шарапова

Madina April 2, 2020

Почти каждый человек на земле слышал о Марий Шараповой. Она та теннисистка, которая приковывает внимание даже тех кто очень далёк от спорта. Шарапова - икона, как на корте, так и за его пределами.

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Anime or animation in Japan

Amina March 30, 2020

Despite the fact that anime is increasingly finding its fans, many still do not know what it is. So, the term anime came from the English. animation - animation (animation). However, anime is an animation made specifically in Japan. Not just painted (because in the era of rampant globalization and integration, you can draw anything, anywhere), but it is produced or, more simply, invented.

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Türkiye ve COVID-19

Anuar March 30, 2020

Türkiye, yeni bir tür koronavirüs salgınıyla mücadele kapsamında olan Covid-19, 46 ülkeyle hava trafiğini askıya aldı.

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Tattoos are the mainstream of all times.

doni March 26, 2020

Tattoos are the mainstream of all times. It was trending even 50000 years ago in Rome and Europe. However at that time usually it wasn't for beauty, people got tattoos in order to mark their tribes. Some of them believed that tattoos have an outstanding power to protect people. That was pretty cool because tattoos were found only on people's skins. Netherlanders called that process as «prikschildern» or «stechmalen».

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Stephen Edwin King is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, and fantasy novels.

Daniyar Kabylbek March 22, 2020

Most likely you heard about such films and TV shows like "The shining", "11/22/63", "The Green Mile", "The Shawshank Redemption", "Pet Sematary", "It", '1408 ", but did you know that they were are all based on books and novels of Stephen King? And we are talking about his most popular works.

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